Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Week of Tomatoes

Gillian’s weekly log:
This week has been a week of lots of tomatoes!

September 1st:
high 74, 0.01 precipitation. Sorted and weighed heirloom tomatoes
Picked cherry tomatoes with the first graders.  Lots of fun!
Weighed and sorted out the split cherry tomatoes (13 lb total and 4 lb of splits). Harvested the painted corn. (The corn is beautiful but not enough ears to use for other than decorations and seed-saving.) Delivered to the Merc15 lb of heirloom tomatoes and 9 lb of cherry tomatoes.

September 2nd:
high 72, 0.1 inch precipitation. Harvested Japanese Black Trifele tomatoes. Harvested and cleaned leeks. Harvested Valencia and Yellow Bell tomatoes. Harvested cherry tomatoes. Weeded half the radishes.

September 3rd:
high 77, no precipitation. Sorted and weighed tomatoes. Picked flowers with students. Harvested basil.

About 8 pounds of tomatoes had splits. Also, there were about 3 ounces of basil that was wilted. I gave these to the school for 4th-5th grade students to make marinara sauce.

September 6th:
High 78, no precipitation. Harvested tomatoes!  There are so many!

In the Okanis CSA bag this week: Sun Gold cherry tomatoes, assorted heirloom tomatoes, large-leaf Italian basil, Leeks, flower bouqet, e-recipe.