Thursday, June 25, 2009

Regarding Earth

During the Prairie Moon grades Summer Session I, “Earth,” June 8 - 19, the students interacted with the garden in the following ways:

- They began drawing maps of their own grades garden, measuring it, and then drawing it to scale on poster board. They determined what symbol should represent certain kinds of plants. 

- They observed, collected, and drew detailed sketches of many different kinds of insects found in the Okanis Garden. Two insects that were most enthralling were the wheel-bug nymph (assassin bug) and many different types of lady bugs. The drawings were kept in handmade nature journals.

- Teacher Ms. Dana and the students set up a worm-compost bin, and discussed the importance of worms to the soil. As of the end of the session, the students had not yet procured worms for the bin.

- The children helped Miss Julie fertilize the plants in the garden with the fish emulsion solution. She explained how the fertilizer is made and how it benefits the plants.

- The children helped to weed and mulch the garden on a daily basis. They paid special attention to keeping the straw mulch pulled up high around the potato plants. They also watered the newly planted native peach tree on a regular basis.

- They identified the trees around the schoolyard and made a special effort to identify the many instances of poison ivy that abound around the school.

On June 17, the early childhood Summer Session, “Rainbow Camp,” planted radish seeds and harvested radishes planted earlier.