Reported by Julie on June 1, 2009:
Sunday I planted the pickling cucumber and the yard long pole beans.
Last week I planted more zinnias, carrots, and transplanted basil and kale from another farm.
I weeded and mulched the leeks and onions.
I planted corn, birdhouse gourds, and when the latter seeds ran out, I planted the remaining pole beans and some lemon cucumber seeds to finish out the row supported by corn.
I mulched the two potato rows hardcore - over 1.5ft of straw to get good and high on the plant.
I'm watering overnight - it was a hot and windy day and there are a lot of seeds in the ground that need the moisture.
I also got chalkboard paint from Bret to establish a communication board on the new garden shed built by the third-graders.
Reported by Barbara on May 30, 2009:
David and I turned on the drip irrigation. Rows were extremely dry, and plants looked stressed from the extreme heat today coupled with dry ground. Seedlings will go down quickly if not kept moist. All rows are being watered, even the rows not planted yet. I'll go back early tomorrow morning and turn the water off.
I also delivered the shredded mulch bags and fish emulsion/algamin mix with a paint filter and the seeds: Yard Long pole beans and Painted Mountain Corn. I set everything inside the new shed. Also attached a note on the box about how to mix emulsion in 2 gallon spray tank.
There's the possibility of some severe storms the first of this coming week.